
Is storm damage from trees preventable?
"Is storm damage from trees preventable?" "Could we have prevented this?" "What caused this to happen?" "How can we prevent future damage without removing all of our trees?" All common questions from customers after they have had unexpected, and usually costly, damage...

Is Your arborist ignoring you?
Have you ever started talking to someone and gotten offended that they didn't answer your questions or acknowledge you because they didn't realize you were talking to them? This situation happens a lot, and most of the time is not a big deal once communication is...

A Day In The Life: Climbing Arborist
It's a Monday morning in early August, what does today look like in the life of our climbing arborist? This particular Monday morning started before the alarm, in the traditional sense, went off because the alarm of Aaron's 10 week old waking up in his cradle went off...

How much is my tree service going to cost?
The one question at the forefront of most client's minds is "how much is my tree service going to cost?", which is a respectable and fair question. The hardest part to explain over the phone is that there are many variables, and that is why we do complimentary site...

What Does that mean? Edition #3: Defensible space
If you have lived in the Pacific Northwest for any length of time you have probably heard people talk about fire season, but maybe not heard how you can help protect your home and property through the management of defensible space. As fire season seems to get longer...

What Does That mean? Edition 2: Targets
What Does That Mean? Edition #2: Target When you hear the word "Target" you typically think of something you aim AT right? Well, arboriculture laughs in the face of the Webster dictionary, when you hear an arborist use the word target they are referring to something...

What Does That Mean? Edition #1: Rig
If you have a particularly large tree, a small yard, or a lot of what tree professionals call "targets" (which oddly enough means things you DON'T want to hit with limbs/tree parts etc.) you will likely hear use of the term "Rig" in regards to the removal or pruning...

Included Bark: When More is definitely not better
Unless you have spent some time in arboriculture or around a tree nerd cough arborist cough you probably haven’t heard the term “Included Bark”. Included bark is when the bark essentially rolls in on itself creating areas of structure separation and weakness. These...